
středa, 10 listopad 2010 12:06

Psychiatrie 2010 Suppl. 2

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EDITORIAL ......................................................................................................................... 1
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ 3

Lucie Surá, Vlastimil Zíma, Filip Touška, Viktorie Vlachová
Ankyrin receptor – ion channel activated by psychoactive drugs:
its relation to the mechanisms of nociception ................................................................................ 5

Monika Vrajová, Jiøí Horáèek, Jan Klaschka
Expression of GluN1C2 subunit of NMDA receptor in hippocampus
of patients suffered from schizophrenia – post mortem study ...................................................... 10

Zdena Krištofíková, Daniela Øípová
Asymmetry in activities of nitric oxide synthases in the rat brain and animal
modeling of neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative diseases .................................................... 12

David Levèík, Daniel Klement, Tereza Nekováøová, Karel Valeš, Aleš Stuchlík
The NMDA-receptor antagonist MK-801 impairs recognition
of position of a distant object ....................................................................................................... 15

Hana Tejkalová, Šárka Rùžièková, Jan Klaschka
Effect of antipsychotic chronic administration on cytokine expression
in neuroinfectious model of schizophrenia ............................................................................... 19

Vìra Bubeníková-Valešová, Jana Puskarèíková, Monika Vrajová, Jiøí Horáèek
Alteration in subunits expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor after
application of serotonin-1a receptor partial agonists (buspirone, tandospirone)
in hippocampus and frontal cortex in rats ................................................................................ 22

Karel Valeš, Lukáš Rambousek, Aleš Stuchlík, Hana Chodounská, Ladislav Vyklický
Comparison of Effects of Systemic Application of Non-Competitive
and Use-Dependent NMDA Antagonists on the Locomotor Activity
and Cognitive Functions in the Laboratory Rat ...................................................................... 26

Marie Pometlová, Kateryna Deykun, Romana Šlamberová
Investigation of methamphetamine effect on anxiety and learning
in the test of elevated plus-maze .................................................................................................. 31

Tomáš Páleníèek, Vìra Bubeníková-Valešová, Jiøí Horáèek,
Michaela Fujáková, Ingmar Gorman
The effect mGlu2/3 receptor agonist LY379268
on behavior in serotonin model of psychosis – the pilot study ...................................................... 35

Tereza Nekováøová, Jan Nedvídek, Daniel Klement, Richard Rokyta, Jan Bureš
Cognitive function of macaques: mental transformation of geometrical stimuli .............................. 39

Aleš Bartoš, Petr Zach, Jaroslav Tintìra, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Daniela Øípová
Simple classification of white matter changes on brain MRI in the elderly ........................................ 44

Jaroslav Tintìra, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Aleš Bartoš, Daniela Øípová
Characterization of the patients with Alzheimer disease using SWI:
detection of micro-bleedings and tissue changes in basal ganglia .............................................. 48

Kamil Vlèek, Zuzana Nedìlská, Jan Laczó, Martin Vyhnálek, Jakub Hort

Real space navigation in the development of Alzheimer’s disease ............................................... 52

Anna Yamamotová, Pavel Hrabák, Petr Høíbek, Richard Rokyta
Nociception in humans with tattoo and different motivation to pain experience ............................. 56

Martin Bareš, Tomáš Novák, Martin Brunovský
Depressive episode of bipolar affective disorder – the early change
of prefrontal cordance as a possible predictor of treatment response ................................................ 61

Tomáš Novák, Eva Gunde, Miloslav Kopeèek, Tomáš Hájek, Matthias Schmidt, Cyril Höschl
White matter hyperintensities in offspring of bipolar parents – results from
czech sample ............................................................................................................................. 66

Michal Raszka, Ján Praško, Jana Kopøivová, Jiøí Horáèek, Martin Brunovský
Electrophysiological correlate of dissociations in obsessive-compulsive disorder –
a pilot study ............................................................................................................................... 70

Lucie Bankovská Motlová, Eva Dragomirecká, Jan Èermák, David Holub
Relapse frequency and quality of life in day-treatment programme for psychotic
disorders: one-year outcomes ........................................................................................................ 73

Marek Preiss, Radka Èermáková, Mabel Rodriguez
Rehabilitation of cognitive functions on-line: possibilities
of the cognifit programme .............................................................................................................. 77

Mabel Rodriguez, Pavel Mohr, Lucie Bankovská Motlová, Radka Èermáková,
Tomáš Novák, Marek Preiss
Short-term efficacy of cognitive remediation of cognitive
deficit in schizophrenia ................................................................................................................... 81

Číst 10043 krát Naposledy změněno pátek, 12 listopad 2010 10:03